Media Marketing Machine
Based on Planet Mars


The 2Mars Corporation

  • Our company, The 2Mars Corporation (2Mars Corp), is a global branding and marketing group, leveraging the growing international interest in Mars and space into new business opportunities of branded products.
  • The 2Mars Corp brand “The RED” will be the centerpiece in the mix of branding and technology, turning 2Mars Corp into a successful business enterprise by designing and executing a top-notch content marketing strategy.
  • 2Mars Corp is focused on all aspects of “Being there”, rather than “Getting there”, launching a “Media Marketing Machine” for projects and experiences related to the journey to and life on Mars.
  • 2Mars Corp with “The RED” is the go-to body for all social, media, education, entertainment experiences, shopping and gaming domains in relation to Mars.
  • The RED powers a TV format with the ultimate talent search contest “The Battle of the Astronauts”. This will open customer segments for related products such as drinks, clothing or educational content.
  • You are more Martian than you think! All interested consumers can join the community of “Martians”/Mars fans, 2Mars Corp and “The RED” will grow the Martians’ loyalty by offering benefits in all mentioned segments through cross-marketing opportunities.

Business lines

The company will generate revenues from the following business lines

“The Battle of the Astronauts”

A video format for linear TV and streaming of a competition to select potential astronauts for the future Manned Mars Missions. “The Battle” will be produced with a top international producer. Each season, the prize for the winner will be an attractive space travel ticket available at that time. Discussions of co-production arrangements are at an advanced stage.

“Who wants to be an Astronaut?”

A video format that will precede “The Battle of the Astronauts”.

2Mars Corp retail merchandising platform

A “The RED”-branded line of clothing/garments and related merchandizing articles, in cooperation with specialized online sales organizations. The company has already established a relationship with the manufacturer of the NASA-branded clothing line and several online sales platforms.

The RED Energy Drink/Sports Drinks

Rebranding an existing energy drink with existing production and distribution channels. 2Mars Corp will use its marketing and branding expertise to relaunch this drink, and create a cooperation with an international supermarket chain with more than 11,000 outlets in 23 countries.

Educational Programs

2Mars Corp will develop various dynamic and interactive educational programs for global distribution to schools. The common subject will be space travel and planetary colonialization, with the emphasis on Mars and the future travel to and living on the Red Planet. The program will be developed in cooperation with large international educational publishing houses.

Further projects in development

The “2Mars Corp Theatre Experience”

A live performance show including interactive multimedia, specifically for schools and families, around the themes space and Mars.  

The 2Mars Mission Control Expertise Center”

A physical interactive Mars-oriented exhibition as a tourist destination.  

The 2Mars Experience

The “out-of-this-world” interactive, adventurous “The 2Mars Experience” will be a unique tourist attraction with interactive exhibits, Mars-oriented rides, movies, etc.

Loyalty program

The company will lay a loyalty program across all activities to connect all the “Martians” in our group structure.

Basic data of The 2Mars Corporation

  • The 2Mars Corporation is established in Luxembourg, with 100,000,000 issued and outstanding shares.
  • Anticipated increase in issued and outstanding shares thru Year 3 to 140M.
  • Expected number of employees at the end of Year 1: 125 – 150.

Management of the Company

Joost Taverne CEO interim

Designated Management to be appointed:

Johannes Harl, CEO, former professor at NYU and investment banker at JP Morgan
Adrie Kros, RA/CPA, CFO, former senior partner KPMG Netherlands
Peter de Vink, CIO, former Director of ICT and social media at Talpa Entertainment
Head of social media sales, young but senior international manager

Future Financing and Public Listing

  • The initiators have invested about € 6 million in the development of the business lines/projects.
  • Near-term anticipated investments from third parties € 20-22 million
  • Subsequent Private Placement of € 42 million
  • Public listing on the Euronext Paris anticipated in Q2 2023
  • Valuation of eight business lines/projects in Business Plan by specialized company in excess of €200 million
  • Additional value created with new “The RED”-branded hotel project in Marbella, Spain

Required Capital

  • The roll-out of all projects mentioned in this presentation will require total capital expenditures (Capex) of approximately € 115 million
  • For each project/business line, the required investment amounts are mentioned in the schedule below

Sourcing of Capital

Date(s) Source Description Info Gr Amount in €M Available Cash 2Mars Comp
Thru Oct 2022 Initiators Primary Investment 6,0 n/a
Nov 2022 This Offering 3M shares @ € 1,50 4,5 2,6

Dec 2022
Jan 2023

SCS Finance (CH) Two instalments 12,5 11,0
Feb 2023 Private Placement Share Price € 1,80-€ 2,00 37,8 – 42,0 30-34 (estim*)
tbd Investor(+priv bank) Up to 80 Up to 80

* net proceeds for 2Mars Corp subject to number of shares sold in Private Placement by current shareholder


The following projects/business lines will be the initial sources of the 2Mars Corp income streams, with the capital expenses (Capex) per project (in € million):

Initial Business lines/projects
(€ million)
Worldwide Video Formats:
The Battle of the Astronauts
Who Wants to be an Astronaut?
Online Retail Merchandising Platform, starting with garments
The RED Energy Drink/Sports Drink
Educational Programs for School Curricula from primary schools to college level
Further Projects in Development
Edutainment: “The 2Mars Corp Theatre Adventure” live event 3
2Mars Corp Mission Control Expertise Center
with dedicated 2Mars Corp Channel 24/7 continuous streaming with interactive platform
The 2Mars Experience development costs (without construction costs, etc.)   25
Branding and loyalty programs connecting the other projects with platform 3
Working Capital 12
Total CAPEX € 113

Anticipated Results and Share Value Year 1 – Year 3

Operational start January 2023

Anticipated revenues and EBITDA (in € ‘000): Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Revenues: 85,679 200,177 375,733
EBITDA: 19,572 (22,8%) 45,805 (22,9%) 94,054 (25%)
Valuation/share @ 19x EBITDA:
EOY#1: 100million shares outstanding € 3,72
EOY#2: 120million shares outstanding € 7,25
EOY#3: 140million shares outstanding € 12,76

As explained in the section about The RED Resort,
the proportional valuation of The RED Resort has not yet been incorporated in the financials and valuation of the company.


Business partners for initial business lines/projects

  • Large independent, worldwide operating video content production company, with a prominent position in many large television and streaming markets.
  • International publishing group with a worldwide presence.
  • Specialized manufacturer and producer of merchandising goods, specifically garments.
  • International supermarket chain (11,000 shops in Europe) for the Energy Drink.
  • Several international online sales platforms, as well as popular local platforms.

Terms and conditions for agreements with these companies are currently in negotiation

New project added to 2Mars Corp,
not yet included in the company valuation:


This luxury boutique hotel group in the heart of Marbella on the Costa del Sol in Spain, captures everything Marbella stands for:
excitement, glamour and invincibility.

In addition to that, the landscape of the sizable 100.000 m2 (approximately 25 acres) property will be redesigned into an undulating,
surprising, and mystifying base for a living community. It will evoke the atmosphere of a Martian landscape, simultaneously projecting
the comforting warmth of the reddish atmosphere of the Red Planet and the bluish, icy rockiness of a Martian night.

The trees, plants, and shrubbery of the property will enhance this atmosphere, and all hotel facilities, private dwellings,
and other buildings will be integrated into this RED environment.

You can be alone, as if you were the only living soul on Mars, while at the same time, social interaction and activities in restaurants,
bars, and clubs are available to you at the snap of a finger.

 You will enter The RED Resort through its signature Mars-related, detailed design thirty-foot red-mahogany doors,
into the expanded lobby, accented with hues of deep red and complemented by custom design furniture, a space interior,
and a Mars-inspired concierge desk.

‘Up in the Sky’, amid the clouds of Marbella, guests can enjoy our Skybar deck, our boutiques and merchandising store,
offering curated items tailored for the Mars scene.

The place where space magic happens – the luxury Rooms, Suites and Villas in Marbella, Costa del Sol.
You will be inspired by the Mars landscapes outside your window, and by the exclusive Beach Club with its unique red sand beach
breathing out your space environment. Unlike the planet Mars itself, the energy of the RED is never far away.

When you enter the RED, you will enjoy the amazing world of the planet Mars.

Project Description “The RED Resort”

Currently known as The Pinomar Urban Complex, the property comprises the following:

2 hotels:

  • Playa Marbella Hotel ****
    • 329 rooms:
      • 56 double rooms and suites in main building
      • 273 rooms in bungalows
    • 2 restaurants, one bar, Chiringuito Marbella Playa Beach Club
    • The hotel can be refurbished/upgraded from 4-stat to 5- star
  • Diver Hotel ***
    • 145 rooms in two buildings:
      • “La Torre”, attached to the Marbella Playa Hotel with 72 rooms, services, and reception desk
      • “La Casona”, with 73 rooms
    • 2 bars, one restaurant, kids beach club
    • The hotel can be refurbished/upgraded from 3-star to 4-star

At this moment, both hotels are closed, and they are free of an operator

  • Several commercial properties

The location comprises a total of 103.000 m2 (±25 acres) with 200 m beach front,
with the following allotments for additional construction:

  • 20.660 m2 for 103 residential villas @ 300 m2 floor space each
  • 15.515 m2 for construction of 5-star hotel with 367 rooms

Business Transaction

  • With the assistance of a financing partner, 2Mars Corp is in the process of (indirectly) acquiring all shares (or assets) of the corporation Complejo Pinomar SL (Pinomar), comprising the assets as described in the previous paragraph for a net purchase price of € 130 million, total cost € 147,1 million, € 162,7 M including all financing costs.
  • With additional (minority) partners in the subsidiary that redevelops the property, 2Mars Corp will renovate the existing buildings and will add one hotel and 103 villas to the property.
  • With an additional cash investment of approximately € 310 M, the total investment will be € 480 M.
  • At the end of the development the total valuation of the property will be € 875 M, a Return On Investment (ROI) of 82,5%.
  • 2Mars Corp will (indirectly) own 25% of this project, that will be proportionally reflected in the valuation of the company.

2Mars Corp Finance, valuation and public listing

  • Public listing on the Euronext Paris Stock Exchange anticipated in Q2 2023.
  • Valuation by specialized German company Knoll Beck AG in excess of € 200 million.
  • In this valuation, the value of 2Mars Corp’s share in The RED Resort is not yet included.

Private Placement

  • Private Placement in February-March 2023 of up to 21 million shares will be executed by an investment bank to be appointed
  • Shares will be sold in three installments @ €1,80 – 2,00
  • Gross proceeds of up to € 42 million
  • Existing shareholders may sell (part of) their shares in the Private Placement
  • Effective net proceeds for 2Mars Corp subject to number of shares sold by current shareholders

Special Offer to invest

  • Mars Corp has reserved up to 3,000,000 of its shares for a special pre-Private Placement investment opportunity
  • Until the end of 2022, you can purchase shares of 2Mars Corp at a special discounted price of € 1,50 per share
  • Click on the button below to request a subscription form for investment
  • You may divest your shares in the following manners:
    • In the Private Placement anticipated for February/March 2023
    • At the beginning of the public listing, anticipated for the end of Q2 2023
    • On the public market after the start of the public listing 

Important information

Prospective investors in the shares of the Company are explicitly advised that such investment entails financial risks. In making an investment decision, investors must rely on their own examination of the Company and the terms of the offering, including the merits and risks involved. Any decision to invest in the shares should be based solely on the information provided by the Company.

The Company confirms that the information contained in its information is true and accurate and that no information has been omitted which would affect the information offered.

No person is authorized to give any information or to make any representation in connection with the Offering not contained in the Company’s information. In the event of such information having been provided or such representation having been made, they must not be relied upon as having been authorized by the Company. The Company’s information does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security other than the shares offered hereby, nor does it constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities offered hereby to any person in any jurisdiction in which it is unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation to such person. Neither the delivery of the Company’s information nor any sale on the basis thereof shall, under any circumstances, imply that the information contained in the Company’s information is correct as of a date subsequent to the date hereof.

The provision and distribution of the Company’s information and the offering of the shares of the Company may, in certain jurisdictions, be restricted by law. The Company requires that persons into whose possession the Company’s information comes, to inform themselves of and observe all such restrictions. The Company does not accept any legal responsibility for any violation by any person, whether or not such person is a prospective investor of the Company’s shares, of any such restrictions.

Cautionary statement on forward-looking statements: Certain statements contained in the Company’s information are “forward-looking statements”. Such statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “believes”, “expects”, “may”, “anticipates” or similar expressions, by discussions of strategy that involve risks and uncertainties and by discussion of (possible) future developments with respect to the Company. In addition, from time to time, the Company (or its representatives) have made or may make forward-looking statements in writing. Furthermore, such forward-looking statements may be included, but are not limited to, press releases or statements made by or with the approval of an authorized executive officer of the Company (or its representatives).

Forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from future results expressed or implied by them. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the information set forth in any forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to (i) any specific factors set forth in the Company’s information, (ii) general economic conditions, (iii) performance of financial markets, (iv) interest rate levels, (v) currency exchange rates and local/national restrictions on the export of currencies, (vi) changes in laws and regulations, including  monetary regulations, (vii) changes in policies of the governments in which the Company has its activities, (viii) certain factors specific to the activities of the Company,  and (ix) competitive factors, in each case on a global, national, and/or regional basis. Many of these factors are beyond the Company’s ability to control or predict. Given these uncertainties, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statement.